Ultrasound Database •
From ALOKA Co., Ltd.; 'Innovative Image Quality in a Compact Size Featuring design concepts inherited from our higher end systems along with Aloka's latest proprietary electronic technologies, the compact SSD-900V delivers superb images. Traditionally, portable units suffer from hardware and software limitations that affect image quality. Aloka's SSD-900V sets new standards for what's possible in a portable unit. Incorporating over 50 years of experience and unique micro-chip technologies, the SSD-900V generates incredibly high-resolution images. The SSD-900V offers a full range of measurement functions for professional ultrasonic examination. And unlike conventional portable systems, the SSD-900V includes annotation labeling and 15-channel preset functions as standard features. The system also use Super High Density transducers (found our high-end systems) to enhance imaging resolution. These multi-frequency transducers provide a broad range of imaging frequencies to optimize scan frequency for depth of view.' •
[This entry is marked for removal.] Amersham Health, now GE Healthcare was the imaging diagnostics and therapy business of Amersham plc. The imaging business produced contrast agents that are injected into the body to improve pictures obtained through medical imaging scans. •
[This entry is marked for removal.] GE Medical Systems and Amersham announced in April 2004 the completion of a share exchange acquisition of Amersham Health by GE. The result of this acquisition is the new GE Healthcare, based in the UK, totally owned by General Electric (GE). The British company was a producer of contrast-imaging agents used to enhance image quality in X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound procedures. It was also a leading producer of radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine imaging. Amersham Health was the firm's imaging, diagnostics, and therapeutics segment. Amersham was involved in biotechnology research through its Amersham Biosciences unit, which makes scanners, sequencers, microarrays, industrial separations, and other research supplies. •
(A or amp) The SI base unit of electric current. Definition: Two parallel conductors, infinitely long and having negligible cross section should be placed 1 meter apart in a perfect vacuum. One ampere is the current that creates between them a force of 0.2 microNewton per meter of length. One ampere represents a current flow of 1 coulomb of charge per second. One ampere of current results from a potential distribution of 1 volt per ohm of resistance, or from a power production rate of 1 watt per volt of potential. The unit is known informally as the amp, but A is its official symbol and is named for the French physicist André-Marie Ampère. See also System International. • |