'Ultrasound Machine' p3 Searchterm 'Ultrasound Machine' found in 27 articles 2 terms [ • ] - 25 definitions [• ] Result Pages : •
The ultrasound display is usually a computer monitor that shows the processed data from the scanned area. Displays can be black-and-white or color, small or large depending upon the model and price of the ultrasound machine.
Environmental protection in ultrasound imaging involves adopting practices and technologies that minimize the environmental impact associated with the use of ultrasound equipment and disposables. Here are some key considerations: •
Energy Efficiency: Opt for energy-efficient ultrasound machines and equipment that are designed to minimize energy consumption. This helps reduce the overall environmental impact associated with power usage. •
Digitalization and Paper Reduction: Embrace digital imaging and archiving systems to reduce reliance on paper. Storing images and reports electronically minimizes paper consumption, printing supplies, and physical storage space. •
Waste Management: Implement proper waste management practices for ultrasound-related disposables, such as ultrasound gel bottles, probe covers, and cleaning materials. Follow local regulations for the disposal of medical waste and prioritize recycling and responsible disposal methods. •
Equipment Lifespan and Disposal: Choose ultrasound equipment known for its durability and longevity. Maximizing the lifespan of equipment reduces the frequency of replacements, minimizing electronic waste generation. When disposing of old equipment, ensure proper recycling and disposal in accordance with local regulations. •
Education and Awareness: Promote education and awareness among ultrasound professionals about environmentally conscious practices. Encourage staff to adopt energy-saving habits, such as turning off equipment when not in use, and emphasize the importance of responsible waste management. Develop standardized and optimized examination protocols to minimize the duration and number of ultrasound scans required per patient. This helps reduce the energy consumption associated with prolonged imaging sessions and decreases the overall environmental impact. By focusing on energy efficiency, digitalization, waste management, equipment lifespan, and education, healthcare facilities can make significant strides towards reducing their carbon footprint and the environmental impact of ultrasound imaging practices. See also Ultrasound System Performance, Equipment Preparation, Ultrasound Accessories and Supplies and Sonographer. •
A handle or probe contains the transducer elements and is attached to the system via a relatively long coaxial cable. Handles are selected via high voltage (HV) relays. In most ultrasound machines, several different handles are available to be connected to the system, allowing the operator to select the appropriate transducer for optimal imaging. See also Probe Cleaning, and Transducer Assembly. •
Ultrasound machines have a keyboard and a cursor, such as a trackball, built in. These devices allow the operator to add notes to and take measurements from the data.
The definition of imaging is the visual representation of an object. Medical imaging is a broad term that encompasses various imaging modalities and techniques used in the field of medicine to visualize and study the body's anatomy and physiology. It includes both diagnostic and non-diagnostic imaging procedures, where diagnostic imaging specifically refers to the subset of medical imaging techniques that are primarily focused on diagnosing diseases or conditions. Medical imaging techniques are employed to obtain images or visual representations of the internal organs, tissues, and structures, aiding in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of medical conditions.
The field of medical imaging has significantly evolved since the discovery of X-rays by Konrad Roentgen in 1896. Initially, radiological imaging involved focusing X-rays on the body and capturing the images on a single piece of film within a specialized cassette. Subsequent advancements introduced the use of fluorescent screens and special glasses for real-time visualization of X-ray images. A significant breakthrough came with the application of contrast agents, enhancing image contrast and improving organ visualization. In the 1950s, nuclear medicine studies utilizing gamma cameras demonstrated the uptake of low-level radioactive chemicals in organs, enabling the observation of biological processes in vivo. Currently, positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) technologies play pivotal roles in clinical research and the diagnosis of biochemical and physiological processes. Additionally, the advent of the x-ray image intensifier in 1955 facilitated the capture and display of x-ray movies. In the 1960s, diagnostic imaging incorporated the principles of sonar, using ultrasonic waves generated by a quartz crystal. These waves, reflecting at the interfaces between different tissues, were received by ultrasound machines and translated into images through computer algorithms and reconstruction software. Ultrasound (ultrasonography) has become an indispensable diagnostic tool across various medical specialties, with immense potential for further advancements such as targeted contrast imaging, real-time 3D or 4D ultrasound, and molecular imaging. The first use of ultrasound contrast agents (USCA) dates back to 1968. Digital imaging techniques were introduced in the 1970s, revolutionizing conventional fluoroscopic image intensifiers. Godfrey Hounsfield's pioneering work led to the development of the first computed tomography (CT) scanner. Digital images are now electronic snapshots represented as grids of dots or pixels. X-ray CT brought about a breakthrough in medical imaging by providing cross-sectional images of the human body with high contrast between different types of soft tissue. These advancements were made possible by analog-to-digital converters and computers. The introduction of multislice spiral CT technology dramatically expanded the clinical applications of CT scans. The first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices were tested on clinical patients in 1980. With technological improvements, such as higher field strength, more open MRI magnets, faster gradient systems, and novel data-acquisition techniques, MRI has emerged as a real-time interactive imaging modality capable of providing detailed structural and functional information of the body. Today, imaging in medicine offers a wide range of modalities, including:
X-ray projection imaging;
Computed tomography (CT / CAT);
Ultrasound imaging (US)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Magnetic source imaging (MSI);
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT);
Positron emission tomography (PET);
These imaging modalities have become integral components of modern healthcare. With the rapid advancement of digital imaging, efficient management has become important, leading to the expansion of radiology information systems (RIS) and the adoption of Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) for digital image archiving. In telemedicine, real-time transmission of all medical image modalities from MRI to X-ray, CT and ultrasound has become the standard. The field of medical imaging continues to evolve, promising further innovations and advancements in the future, ultimately contributing to improved patient care and diagnostics. See also History of Ultrasound Contrast Agents, and History of Ultrasound. ![]() Further Reading: News & More:
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