'Ultrasound' p3 Searchterm 'Ultrasound' found in 466 articles 60 terms [ • ] - 406 definitions [• ] Result Pages : •
Pulsed ultrasounds are cycles of ultrasound separated in time with gaps of no signal. Pulsed sound waves are generated by short, strong pulses of sound from a phased array of piezoelectric crystals. The transducer, though emitting ultrasound in rapid pulses, acts as a receiver most of the time. In sonography, pulsed ultrasound is used to perform diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. See also Pulse Average Intensity, Release Burst Imaging. • View NEWS results for 'Pulsed Ultrasound' (6). •
The main advantage of ultrasound is that certain structures can be observed without using radiation. However, ultrasound is energy and there are ultrasound safety regulations, because two bioeffects of ultrasound are heat and cavitation. Ultrasound is a mechanical energy in which a pressure wave travels through tissue. Reflection and scattering back to the transducer are used to form the image. As sound energy is transmitted through the tissue, some energy is reflected and some power is absorbed. Possible physical effects with ultrasound:
Thermal effects of ultrasound, because tissues or water absorb the ultrasound energy with increase in temperature.
Cavitation is the formation, growth, and dynamic behavior of gas bubbles (e.g. microbubbles used as contrast agents) at high negative pressure. This dissolved gases come out of solution due to local heat caused by sound energy. This has been determined harmful at the level of the medical usage.
Mechanical effects of ultrasound include ultrasound radiation force and acoustic streaming.
The ultrasound safety is based on two indices, the mechanical index (MI) and the thermal index (TI). The WFUMB guidelines state that ultrasound that produces temperature rises of less than 1.5°C may be used without reservation. They also state that ultrasonic exposure causing temperature rises of greater than 4°C for over 5 min should be considered potentially hazardous. This leaves a wide range of temperature increases which are within the capability of diagnostic ultrasound equipment to produce and for which no time limits are recommended. However, it has not been determined that medical ultrasound causes any adverse reaction or deleterious effect. The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine states that as of 1982, no independently confirmed significant biologic effects had been observed in mammalian tissue below (medical usage) 100mW/cm2. See also Ultrasound Regulations and Ultrasound Radiation Force. •
Peripheral veins are easily tested using a 5 to 10 MHz transducer. The venous walls are smooth, thin, and compressible. Venous ultrasound imaging requires the compression of the veins in the transverse view. If compression is performed in the longitudinal view, the vein may roll away from the transducer possibly creating a false-negative examination. The lumen of the normal vein is echo free. Increasing the gain will display low level echoes representing venous blood moving towards the heart. When performing Doppler spectral analysis or color Doppler the gate should be placed in the center of the vessel. In case of a non-obstructing or recanalized thrombosis, the Doppler gate should be placed within the remaining vessel lumen for flow detection. See also Maximum Venous Outflow and Zero Offset. Further Reading: News & More:
Cardiac ultrasound, also known as echocardiography or echocardiogram, is used to provide several different levels and types of heart testing. Cardiac ultrasound utilizes the same ultrasound principles as used for obstetric and gynecologic evaluations of pregnant women, gallbladder ultrasound and other abdominal structures. The ultrasound is directed out of a hand held probe which can be moved to image the heart from different positions. Additionally, so that heart events can be timed, ECG leads are placed on the chest. The reflected wave is converted into an actual image of the heart and displayed in a real-time mode or M-mode ultrasound format. M-mode recordings permit measurement of cardiac dimensions and detailed analysis of complex motion patterns depending on transducer angulations. Also the time relationships with other physiological variables such as ECG, heart sounds, and pulse tracings, can be recorded simultaneously. A stress echocardiogram provides information about the cardiac performance. Two-dimensional tomographic images of selected cardiac sections give more information than M-mode about the shape of the heart and also show the spatial relationships of its structures during the cardiac cycle (diastole to systole). See also M-Mode Echocardiography, and Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography. Further Reading: News & More:
Doppler ultrasound is a medical imaging technique for calculating the relative velocity between two points by measuring the frequency shift of a sound wave transmitted from one point to the other, based on the Doppler effect. Continuous or pulsed Doppler is frequently used to examine cardiovascular blood flow. The combination of routine 2D-mode and Doppler ultrasound allows a complete evaluation of the heart's anatomy and function (including the fetal heart). See also Doppler Fluximetry in Pregnancy. Doppler ultrasound depends on the fact that if a moving object reflects the ultrasound waves, the echo frequencies are changed. A higher frequency is created if the object is moving toward the probe//transducer and a lower frequency if it is moving away from it. How much the frequency is changed depends upon how fast the object is moving. Doppler ultrasound shows the different rates of blood flow in different colors on a monitor in real time. The major Doppler parameters are the peak systolic velocity and the end-diastolic velocity. The peak systolic velocity ratio compensates the variability between different patients and instrumentations. Different Doppler and duplex techniques: Further Reading: News & More:
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