'Pulsed Ultrasound' Searchterm 'Pulsed Ultrasound' found in 20 articles 2 terms [ • ] - 8 definitions [• ] - 10 booleans [• ]Result Pages : • Pulsed Ultrasound
Pulsed ultrasounds are cycles of ultrasound separated in time with gaps of no signal. Pulsed sound waves are generated by short, strong pulses of sound from a phased array of piezoelectric crystals. The transducer, though emitting ultrasound in rapid pulses, acts as a receiver most of the time. In sonography, pulsed ultrasound is used to perform diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. See also Pulse Average Intensity, Release Burst Imaging. • View NEWS results for 'Pulsed Ultrasound' (6). •
(LIPU / LIUS) Low intensity pulsed ultrasound is a form of mechanical power that is transmitted through and into tissues as an acoustic pressure wave. Low intensity pulsed ultrasound is often used in musculoskeletal and joint ultrasound and has therapeutic benefits for healing of (fresh) fractures, those that demonstrate either a delayed union or nonunion, and soft tissue repair.
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The center frequency is the median frequency of the transmitted pulse. This pulse contains a range of frequencies in pulsed ultrasound systems.
(CDFI) Color [colour, Brit.] Doppler flow imaging is a method based on pulsed ultrasound Doppler technology for visualizing direction and velocity of blood flow within the cardiac chambers or blood vessels.
See also Autocorrelation. •
(CFI) Color flow imaging is based on pulsed ultrasound Doppler technology. With this technique multiple sample volumes among multiple planes are detected and a color map for direction and velocity flow data is displayed. Common mapping formats are BART (Blue Away, Red Towards) or RABT (Red Away, Blue Towards). Enhanced or variance flow maps show saturations and intensities that indicate higher velocities and turbulence or acceleration. Some maps utilize a third color (green) to indicate accelerating velocities and turbulence. Color flow Doppler imaging is not as precise as conventional Doppler and is best used to scan a larger area and then use other Doppler modes to obtain more precise data. See also Color Amplitude Imaging, Color Priority, and Color Saturation. Result Pages : |