'Meter' p3 Searchterm 'Meter' found in 54 articles 2 terms [ • ] - 52 definitions [• ] Result Pages : •
From CHISON MEDICAL IMAGING CO., LTD.; Applications for VET (Pregnancy Software): - Bovine (BPD, CRL, Trunk Diameter); - Equine (GA); - Ovine (BPD,CRL, Trunk Diameter); etc. •
The divergence is an ultrasound beam characteristic of the far field. The beam divergence angle q, depends on the transducer frequency and diameter according to the following approximation: sin q 1.22 ld where l is the wavelength of the ultrasound in the medium of propagation and d is the diameter of the transducer element. •
The pixel is a picture element. Pixels do not have a fixed size; their diameters are generally measured in micrometers (microns). Although the pixel is not a unit of measurement itself, pixels are often used to measure the resolution (or sharpness) of images.
The source level is the acoustic power (sound pressure) in decibels (dB) referenced to 1.0 microPascal measured at 1 meter from the sound source transmitted through a unit area in a specified direction. The unit of intensity is watt per square meter, but source level is commonly given as a relative intensity in dB. •
The analog output signal is voltage output corresponding to the parameter measured by a device. The produced signal is calibrated by a scaling factor.
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