'Meter' p2 Searchterm 'Meter' found in 54 articles 2 terms [ • ] - 52 definitions [• ] Result Pages : •
(UCA / USCA) Ultrasonography is the most commonly performed diagnostic imaging procedure. The introduction of sonographic contrast media into routine practice modifies the use of ultrasound in a variety of clinical applications. USCAs consist of microbubbles filled with air or gases and can be classified according to their pharmacokinetics. Among the blood pool agents, transpulmonary ultrasound contrast agents offer higher diagnostic potential compared to agents that cannot pass the pulmonary capillary bed after a peripheral intravenous injection. In addition to their vascular phase, some USCAs can exhibit a tissue- or organ-specific phase. The sonogram image quality is improved either by decreasing the reflectivity of the undesired interfaces or by increasing the backscattered echoes from the desired regions. Different types of ultrasound contrast agents: Ultrasound contrast agents act as echo-enhancers, because of the high different acoustic impedance at the interface between gas and blood. The enhanced echo intensity is proportional to the change in acoustical impedance as the sound beam crosses from the blood to the gas in the bubbles. The ideal qualities of an ultrasound contrast agent:
high echogenicity;
low attenuation;
low blood solubility;
low diffusivity;
ability to pass through the pulmonary capillary bed;
lack of biological effects with repeat doses.
A typical ultrasound contrast agent consists of a thin flexible or rigid shell composed of albumin, lipid, or polymer confining a gas such as nitrogen, or a perfluorocarbon. The choice of the microbubble shell and gas has an important influence on the properties of the agent. Current generations of microbubbles have a diameter from 1 μm to 5 μm. The success of these agents is mostly dependent on the small size and on the stability of their shell, which allows passage of the microbubbles through the pulmonary circulation. Microbubbles must be made smaller than the diameter of capillaries or they would embolize and be ineffective and perhaps even dangerous. The reflectivity of these microbubbles is proportional to the fourth power of a particle diameter but also directly proportional to the concentration of the contrast agent particles themselves. Ultrasound contrast agents produce unique acoustic signatures that allow to separate their signal from tissue echoes and to depict whether they are moving or stationary. This enables the detection of capillary flow and of targeted microbubbles that are retained in tissues such as normal liver. The new generation of contrast media is characterized by prolonged persistence in the vascular bed which provides consistent enhancement of the arterial Doppler signal. Contrast agents make it also possible to perform dynamic and perfusion studies. Targeted contrast imaging agents are for example taken up by the phagocytic cell systems and thus have liver/spleen specific effects. See also Ultrasound Contrast Agent Safety, Adverse Reaction, Tissue-Specific Ultrasound Contrast Agent, and Bubble Specific Imaging. Further Reading: Basics:
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Sound waves must have a medium to pass through. The velocity or propagation speed is the speed at which sound waves travel through a particular medium measured in meters per second (m/s) or millimeters per microsecond (mm/μs). Because the velocity of ultrasound waves is constant, the time taken for the wave to return to the probe can be used to determine the depth of the object causing the reflection. The velocity is equal to the frequency x wavelength. V = f x l The velocity of ultrasound will differ with different media. In general, the propagation speed of sound through gases is low, liquids higher and solids highest. The speed of sound depends strongly on temperature as well as the medium through which sound waves are propagating. At 0 °C (32 °F) the speed of sound in air is about 331 m/s (1,086 ft/s; 1,192 km/h; 740 mph; 643 kn), at 20 °C (68 °F) about 343 metres per second (1,125 ft/s; 1,235 km/h; 767 mph; 667 kn) Velocity (m/s)
air: 331;
fat: 1450;
water (50 °C): 1540;
human soft tissue: 1540;
brain: 1541;
liver: 1549;
kidney: 1561;
blood: 1570;
muscle: 1585;
lens of eye: 1620;
bone: 4080.
Doppler ultrasound visualizes blood flow-velocity information. The peak systolic velocity and the end diastolic velocity are major Doppler parameters, which are determined from the spectrum obtained at the point of maximal vessel narrowing. Peak systolic velocity ratios are calculated by dividing the peak-systolic velocity measured at the site of flow disturbance by that measured proximal of the narrowing (stenosis, graft, etc.). See Acceleration Index, Acceleration Time, Modal Velocity, Run-time Artifact and Maximum Velocity. Further Reading: Basics:
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A zone is a focal region of the ultrasound beam. An ultrasound beam can be directed and focused at a transmit focal zone position. The axial length of the transmit focal zone is a function of the width of the transmit aperture. The field to be imaged is deepened by focusing the transmit energy at progressively deeper points in the body, caused by the beam properties. Typically, multiple zones are used. The main reason for multiple zones is that the transmit energy needs to be greater for points that are deeper in the body, because of the signal's attenuation as it travels into the body. Beam zones:
Near zone - the region of a sound beam in which the beam diameter decreases as the distance from the transducer increases (Fresnel zone).
Focal zone - the region where the beam diameter is most concentrated giving the greatest degree of focus.
Far zone - the region where the beam diameter increases as the distance from the transducer increases (Fraunhofer zone).
The tightest focus and the narrowest beam widths for most conventional transducers are in the mid-field within the zone where the acoustic lens is focused. The ultrasound beam is less well focused and, therefore, wider in the near and far fields which are superficial and deep to the elevation plane focal zone. The beam width is greater in the near and far fields, making lesions in these locations more subject to a partial volume artifact. See also Derated Quantity. •
(A or amp) The SI base unit of electric current. Definition: Two parallel conductors, infinitely long and having negligible cross section should be placed 1 meter apart in a perfect vacuum. One ampere is the current that creates between them a force of 0.2 microNewton per meter of length. One ampere represents a current flow of 1 coulomb of charge per second. One ampere of current results from a potential distribution of 1 volt per ohm of resistance, or from a power production rate of 1 watt per volt of potential. The unit is known informally as the amp, but A is its official symbol and is named for the French physicist André-Marie Ampère. See also System International. •
(Å* or A*) A unit used to measure the wavelength of X-rays. Definition: 1A* = 0.1 nanometer or 10-10 meter. Result Pages : |