'Flow' p4 Searchterm 'Flow' found in 124 articles 13 terms [ • ] - 111 definitions [• ] Result Pages : •
(CDI) Color Doppler imaging depicts the mean frequency shifts of the Doppler signal. Color [colour, Brit.] Doppler imaging is a method for visualizing direction and velocity of movement, such as of blood flow within the cardiac chambers or blood vessels. The flow direction and velocity information gathered by Doppler ultrasonography is color coded onto a gray scale cross-sectional image. The sensitivity of Doppler ultrasound is increased in conjunction with the use of vascular contrast agents. Direction and blood flow velocity are coded as colors and shades: Red - flow coming nearer to the probe. Blue - flow coming away of the probe. See also Bi-directional Illumination, Color Map. • View NEWS results for 'Color Doppler Imaging' (1). ![]() ![]() Further Reading: News & More:
For the flowprobe a vessel is positioned between transducers which generate wide beams of ultrasound to fully illuminate the vessel. The ultrasound beams alternately intersect the flowing blood in upstream and downstream directions. The flowmeter derives an accurate measure of the changes in transit time influenced by the motion of the blood. See also Bi-directional Flow. •
(CPD) CPD is a type of color Doppler to visualize the presence of detectable blood flow. The flow information is based on the amplitude or strength of echoes received from moving cells and not on frequency shifts. Power Doppler is very sensitive to flowing blood but does not provide velocity or directional information. CPD is less angle dependent than traditional color Doppler, but more sensitive to motion artifacts. Color power angio (CPA) provides better sensitivity to slow flow states. The color maps for CPD are represented by a single continuous color (colour, Brit.). Because CPD does not provide directional information, no aliasing artifact occurs. See also Directional Color Power Doppler. ![]() Further Reading: Basics:
Doppler techniques are dependent on the transducers used. The transducer operating in continuous wave mode utilizes one half of the elements and is continuously sending sound energy while the other half is continuously receiving the reflected signals. If the transducer is being used in a pulsed wave mode, the whole transducer is used to send and then receive the returning signals. Pulsed wave techniques allow the accurate measurement of blood flow at a specific area in the heart and the detection of both velocity and direction. Measurement is performed by timing the reception of the returning signals giving a view of flows at specific depths. The region where flow velocities are measured is called the sample volume. Errors in the accuracy of the information arise if the velocities exceed a certain speed. The highest velocity accurately measured is called the Nyquist limit.
Continuous Wave Doppler
Used for accurate measurement of high Velocity flow. A disadvantage is the poor range of resolution.
Pulsed Wave Doppler
Used for the measurement of velocities at a specific location with a good range of resolution. A disadvantage is the imprecise measuring of high velocities. See also Doppler Velocity Signal and Doppler Effect. ![]() Further Reading: Basics:
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Duplex ultrasonography (duplex scan) consists of two ultrasound modalities to study blood flow and the perivascular tissue. This includes B-mode / gray scale imaging used in combination with spectral Doppler / pulsed-wave Doppler. The real-time visualization of the vessels and tissue by the B-mode component improves the PW Doppler positioning and the direction of blood flow can be inferred. The angle between the direction of the PW Doppler signal and the estimated direction of blood flow can be measured. Duplex techniques are available on phased array, linear array, and mechanical scanners. A phased array probe is able to create nearly simultaneous images and flow information. A linear array transducer can also do this if the Doppler probe is attached separately to one end of the scanhead. A mechanical transducer freeze the image; the crystals must be static to produce a Doppler image. The first two transducers are therefore the best choice for Duplex. See also Compound B-Mode, and Duplex Scanner. ![]() Further Reading: News & More:
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