'CFsonic UF-7700' Searchterm 'CFsonic UF-7700' found in 2 articles 1 term [ • ] - 1 definition [• ] Result Pages : • CFsonic UF-7700
From Fukuda Denshi Co., Ltd.; 'With a variety of advanced functions, the CFsonic UF-7700 provides high-resolution images and enhanced Doppler information. The high-end system allows to enjoy the multiple features through the excellent user interface. It establishes a new high-quality imaging environment.' •
'During the 60 years since our establishment, Fukuda Denshi Co., Ltd has been involved in the development and sales for Medical Equipment in the Cardiovascular field. The history of Fukuda Denshi Co., Ltd is the history of the Electrocardiograph. From the first Electrocardiograph in Japan until now, a history of our innovations is listed.'
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