'Backscattering' p2 Searchterm 'Backscattering' found in 6 articles 1 term [ • ] - 5 definitions [• ] Result Pages : •
Ultrasound physics is based on the fact that periodic motion emitted of a vibrating object causes pressure waves. Ultrasonic waves are made of high pressure and low pressure (rarefactional pressure) pulses traveling through a medium. Properties of sound waves: The speed of ultrasound depends on the mass and spacing of the tissue molecules and the attracting force between the particles of the medium. Ultrasonic waves travels faster in dense materials and slower in compressible materials. Ultrasound is reflected at interfaces between tissues of different acoustic impedance e.g., soft tissue - air, bone - air, or soft tissue - bone. The sound waves are produced and received by the piezoelectric crystal of the transducer. The fast Fourier transformation converts the signal into a gray scale ultrasound picture. The ultrasonic transmission and absorption is dependend on: See also Sonographic Features, Doppler Effect and Thermal Effect. Result Pages : |