Medical Ultrasound Imaging
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Image Quality
The perfect image quality is dependent on some assumptions of the propagation of ultrasound waves in tissues after generating in an imaging system. These assumptions are important for the developing of optimal ultrasound imaging systems.
The sound velocity in the examined tissue is homogeneous and constant (around 1540 m/s).
The propagation of ultrasound is straight ahead.
The ultrasound beam is infinite thin in its thickness and lateral direction.
The detected echo comes from the shortest sound path between reflector and transducer.
The ultrasound echo is originated by the last generated sound pulse.
The amplitudes of the echoes are proportional to the difference of the acoustical impedance caused by different tissue layers.
A lot of steps can be taken to prevent artifacts and to improve image quality, for example beamforming is used to focus the ultrasound beam, and contrast agents decrease the reflectivity of the undesired interfaces or increase the backscattered echoes from the desired regions.

See also Coded Excitation, Validation and Refraction Artifact, Q-Value, Ultrasound Phantom, Dead Zone, Narrow Bandwidth.
Injection Rate
Ultrasound contrast agents (USCAs) improve the sensitivity of various ultrasound applications. They usually stay within the vascular space and can be injected several times. Nevertheless the contrast enhancement is limited caused by physiologic clearance and bubble destruction.

Different injection techniques to improve the imaging:
Bolus injection generally results in a more or less prolonged blooming phase and a relatively short enhancing period of approximately 2- to 3 minutes.
Slow injection provides markedly prolonged enhancement by minimizing over-contrast artifacts.
Continuous perfusion achieves stable and uniform enhancement, lasting until the infusion is stopped.

Continuous infusion yield a steady-state concentration of the USCAs, greater examination time with optimal enhancement, avoid bloom and possibly other artifacts. Continuous infusion also allows the sonographer to optimize the effective dose individually during the examination.

See also Power Modulation.
An undesirable background interference or disturbance that affects image quality.
The noise is commonly characterized by the standard deviation of signal intensity in the image of a uniform object (phantom) in the absence of artifacts. The measured noise may depend on the particular phantom used due to variable effects. Noisy images appear when the signal to noise ratio is too low. There are various noise sources in any electronic system, including Johnson noise, shot noise, thermal noise.

See also Interference Artifact.
The refraction is the change of the sound direction on passing from one medium to another. In ultrasound, refraction is due to sound velocity mismatches combined with oblique angles of incidence, most commonly with convex scanheads. When the ultrasound wave crosses at an oblique angle the interface of two materials, through which the waves propagate at different velocities, refraction occurs, caused by bending of the wave beam.

See also Refraction Artifact, Acoustic Shadowing, Acoustic Mismatch, and Duplication Artifact.
Thyroid Ultrasound
A thyroid ultrasound evaluates the size and shape of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands. A thyroid ultrasound can show nodules, cysts, tumors, and an enlargement, but a sonogram cannot determine the function of the thyroid. Ultrasound guides the placement of the needle during a thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy.

See also Sonographic Features, Ultrasound Imaging Modes, Anechoic, Beam Width Artifact and Enhancement Artifact.
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